This last wallpaper focuses on the melting of the ice through the motif of the iceberg. As a result of rising temperatures, which the artist explores in greater detail in the wallpaper The Heat, presented at the Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, these enormous blocks of ice break off from age-old glaciers and drift across the oceans, contributing to rising sea levels and the loss of the freshwater necessary for life on earth.
In the popular imagination, icebergs evoke fascination and danger, with strong links to the sinking of the Titanic and its dramatisation in film. The sound component of the wallpaper refers directly to this, with extracts from Gavin Bryars' musical piece The Sinking of the Titanic. But the artist also seems to play on this connotation by depicting the icebergs as shiny, sharp diamonds, against a progressively darker background evoking a dive into the depths.
The images of the emerged parts, taken from paintings by Lawren Harris, bring to mind the expression "the tip of the iceberg", signifying a difficulty that is in fact only one manifestation of a much larger problem. It's hard not to see in this the environmental peril we face but don't seem to grasp the scale of, like the musicians still playing on the sinking ship.